1. Psychological Inoculation for Credibility Assessment, Sharing Intention, and Discernment of Misinformation: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis,J MED INTERNET RES,2023年 2. Game-based inoculation versus graphic-based inoculation to combat misinformation: a randomized controlled trial,Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications,2023年 3. 基于5G的心理学智慧实验室管理平台建设研究,电子测试,2020年 4. 5G时代下心理学实验室管理模式创新探究,电子元器件与信息技术,2020年 5. Jointly Learning the Discriminative Dictionary and Projection for Face Recognition,MATH PROBL ENG,2020年 6. Academic adaptation and pursuit of the symbolic function of mobile phones among adolescents: Moderating role of self-identity and mediating role of academic performance,Child Indicators Research,2019年 7. Dimensionality Reduction via Multiple Locality-Constrained Graph Optimization,IEEE ACCESS,2018年 8. Multicriteria-Based Active Discriminative Dictionary Learning for Scene Recognition,IEEE ACCESS,2018年 软件著作权: 1.神经环路虚拟仿真实验软件V1.0,软著登字第10421138号,2022 2.融合多种媒体信息的场景分析系统V1.0,软著登字第8404612号,2021 3.视频异常事件识别系统V1.0,软著登字第6479670号,2020 |